Health Care System

As urged by the AHA and others, a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services advisory panel today recommended that the agency not finalize for 2018 a proposal that would drastically cut Medicare payments for drugs acquired under the 340B Drug Pricing Program. In July, CMS proposed to pay…
The Health Resources and Services Administration has provided an update on its new 340B Office of Pharmacy Affairs Information System, which includes a new registration system and a new secure pricing system. HRSA said the registration component of the new 340B OPAIS will be released in mid-…
The Trump administration has indicated it will make this month's cost-sharing reduction payments to health insurers, according to news reports yesterday. Insurers use the federal payments to reduce out-of-pocket costs for low-income individuals purchasing coverage through the Health Insurance…
The Health Resources and Services Administration today proposed delaying until July 1, 2018 the effective date of its final rule on 340B drug ceiling prices and civil monetary penalties for manufacturers. The final rule has been subject to multiple delays since January, and most…
CMS Aug. 15 proposed to cancel the cardiac and surgical hip and femur fracture treatment (SHFFT) bundled payment models. Details of the proposed rule follow.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today issued a proposed rule that would cancel the cardiac and surgical hip and femur fracture treatment mandatory bundling payment programs, known as the episode payment models. It also would cancel the cardiac rehabilitation incentive payment model…
CMS releases FY 2018 inpatient PPS final rule The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services yesterday issued final fiscal year 2018 rules for the hospital inpatient prospective payment system and long-term care hospital PPS.
Press Release AHA Names New Trustees to the Board Marie Watteau, (202) 626-2351, Samantha Dean, (202) 626-2264,  
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) August 2 issued its hospital inpatient prospective payment system (PPS) and long-term care hospital (LTCH) PPS final rule for fiscal year (FY) 2018. Select highlights of the final rule related to the inpatient PPS follow.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services late today issued its hospital inpatient prospective payment system final rule for fiscal year 2018. The rule will increase rates by 1.2% in FY 2018, after accounting for inflation and other adjustments required by law.