Magazine & Journal Articles

American Hospital Association magazine and journal articles.

This article discusses preliminary findings from the National Congress of American Indians Policy Research Center's partnership with the Universities of New Mexico and Washington on methods and measures for community-engaged research in American Indian populations.
Supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Pioneer Portfolio, OpenNotes is being tested by more than 100 doctors and 21,000 patients in Boston, rural Pennsylvania and Seattle. Researchers are surveying patients and doctors about their expectations before and experiences after engaging…
The objective of this study was to describe health plan efforts to collect language data from its members, provide language services, and improve the provision of culturally and linguistically appropriate services. Key stakeholders agree better data on patients language are needed to effectively…
This article describes the development of the regional health collaborative, a population-based health care model, to improve the health of a largely Hispanic community in New York. Results from the first six months of the program are reported, and the program is offered as a model for other urban…
This article proposes an examination of health disparities through the lens of public health to provide a foundation for developing more robust evidence to inform policy.
In this article, the author argues that health equity is best achieved by securing access to high quality health care for the entire population to improve population health, improve patient care experiences and reduce health care costs.
The October issue focuses on disparities in health care, including an article on high-cost, low-quality hospitals.
This article discusses the evidence base behind population health management and explores the future for population health management in the United States.
Duplicate medication order errors increased with CPOE and CDS implementation. Many work system factors, including the CPOE, CDS and medication database design, contributed to their occurrence.
The article discusses how the Beacon community program has leveraged health information technology to enable improvements in health care quality, cost and population health.