
American Hospital Association guides and reports for members and the health care field.

The wave of aging Baby Boomers will reshape the health care system forever. There will be more people enjoying their later years, but they'll be managing more chronic conditions and therefore utilizing more health care services.
TrendWatch February 200y Issue: Community Hospitals: Addressing Behavioral Health Needs \(PPT\)
TrendWatch Issue February 2007: Coverage Counts: Supporting Health and Opportunity for Children \(ppt\)
One in four Americans experiences a mental illness or substance abuse disorder each year. Behavioral health conditions – encompassing both of the above – are the leading cause of disability and death, when considered together, for women and the second highest cause for men.Mental illnesses are…
Few issues are more important to our field today than hospitals' ability to assess and report the full range and value of benefits they deliver to their communities. Numerous state and local jurisdictions require such reporting and the requirements differ in many instances.
Full-service hospitals are vital to meeting the health care needs of the communities they serve by providing a wide range of acute care and diagnostic services, supporting public health needs, and offering a myriad of other community services to promote the health and well being of the community.
TrendWatch issue from July 2006: ")The Migration of Care to Non-Hospital Settings: Have Regulatory Structures Kept Pace with Changes in Care Delivery?")