
American Hospital Association resources for members and the health care field.

To help hospitals and health systems address maternal and neonatal health during this public crisis, the AHA has assembled resources from across the field that you may find useful as you provide safe and high-quality care to mothers and babies during this time.
Hospitals have the opportunity to use data to identify outcome disparities that are the result of inequities & societal factors that influence health.
Hospitals can tailor vaccine images, videos, the vaccination guide and resources to reflect local circumstances and provide reasons to get vaccinated. Hospitals and health systems are a credible source of COVID-19 vaccine information through this next phase of the pandemic.
CARES Act: Provisions to Help Rural Hospitals The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, signed into law on March 27, provides resources and flexibility for rural hospitals.
During the COVID-19 crisis, hospitals and health systems – and their dedicated caregivers and front-line teams – continue to work around-the-clock to provide the care that our communities and patients need. While the AHA greatly appreciates the passage of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic…
This page includes digital content and resources related to COVID-19 and communities of color. This page will be continuously updated with content as it becomes available.
This discussion guide facilitates conversations, ideas and actions that hospital and health system leaders should consider in their quest to become data-driven organizations that use data for health care innovation. As hospital and health care systems continue to build and refine their data…
Hospital and health system leaders need to have a formal system in place to evaluate and prioritize data projects. Here are 15 criteria to consider when evaluating and prioritizing data projects.
Each organization can use this maturity framework to assess its current capabilities to determine where they are as a data-driven organization and how this impacts their digital transformation.
This Market Insights report from the American Hospital Association’s Center for Health Innovation offers hospital and health system leaders a blueprint for becoming an organization that leverages data for health innovation and for improving clinical, financial and operational performance.