
The latest advocacy letters and comments from the American Hospital Association.

The AHA today urged the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to extend for 60 days – until March 17 – the comment period for its Medicaid fiscal accountability proposed rule.  
The AHA today shared comments with congressional leaders as they are working to develop a framework for a “Cures 2.0,” legislative package that builds on the 21st Century Cures Act, which became law in December 2016. 
The AHA applauded “the new direction” the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is taking to modify, modernize and clarify the physician self-referral law, also known as the Stark Law, to “provide space for the types of innovative arrangements among hospitals and physicians that can enhance…
AHA and its American Organization for Nursing Leadership today voiced support for the Resolving Extended Limbo for Immigrant Employees and Families Act (S. 2603), legislation that would increase the number of employment-based visas.
This is a downloadable Model Letter to Submit Comments to CMS on Proposed Rule on Stark Law that the AHA has created for your use.
AHA comments on the House Ways & Means Committee Rural and Underserved Communities Health Task Force request for information (RFI). The RFI solicits comments on factors that contribute to health outcomes in these areas, examples of successful models and lessons from the field that…
The American Hospital Association's comments on the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission’s (MedPAC) discussions on consolidation within the health care field as well as graduate medical education. As the Commission continues its deliberations, the AHA shares observations related to…
Re: CMS–10709, Hospital Survey for Specified Covered Outpatient Drugs; Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request (Vol. 84, No. 189), September 30, 2019.