
The latest stories from AHA Today.

The Next Generation Accountable Care Organization model reduced gross Medicare spending for calendar years 2016 to 2018 by $349 million (0.9%) without increasing preventable hospitalizations or readmissions, according to findings released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
The Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Defense Oct. 9 announced support for AstraZeneca’s late-stage development and large-scale manufacturing of the AZD7442 investigational treatment for COVID-19.
The average annual premium for employer-sponsored family health coverage rose 4% this year to $21,342, including employer and worker contributions, according to the latest annual survey of employer-sponsored health insurance by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
The AHA joined five other national medical groups in urging the Department of Homeland Security to exclude foreign national physicians in the J-1 visa program from a proposed change to the process for extending certain non-immigrant visa stays in the United States.
Among 767 hotspot counties for COVID-19 in June and July, early increases in the rate of positive test results for Americans under age 25 were followed by several weeks of rising positivity rates in older age groups, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported.
The National Institutes of Health has launched a global clinical trial to test a potential COVID-19 treatment that combines remdesivir with a highly concentrated antibody solution.
A bipartisan group of 32 senators expressed concerns that the Department of Health and Human Services’ Sept. 19 change to COVID-19 Provider Relief Fund reporting requirements will create uncertainty and financial hardship for hospitals, particularly those in rural areas.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced new repayment terms for payments received under its Accelerated and Advance Payment programs, including a longer time period before repayment, lower recoupment rates during repayment, lower interest on remaining unpaid balance, and…
The Health Resources and Services Administration Oct. 15 at 3 p.m. ET will host a webcast to provide additional information on the latest round of COVID-19 Provider Relief Funds.
Wendy Darwell will become president and CEO of the Nassau-Suffolk Hospital Council and Northern Metropolitan Hospital Association (NorMet) effective Jan. 1, succeeding Kevin Dahill when he retires Dec. 31, leaders of the organizations announced yesterday.