
The latest stories from AHA Today.

The action gives the HHS Secretary authority to allocate all ingredients necessary to manufacture infant formula in response to the U.S. shortage.
AHA Maternal and Child Health Council Chair Lara Khouri talks with SteelSky Ventures Founding Partner Maria Velissaris about women’s health and innovation through a health equity lens.
The mental health bill includes AHA-supported legislation that would reauthorize and expand a program that addresses maternal depression.
The grants will establish centers for excellence to build behavioral health capacity and advance equity.
The U.S. Postal Service has delivered about 350 million free at-home tests to households since January. On December 15, 2022, the Biden Administration announced its COVID-⁠19 Winter Preparedness Plan. As part of this plan, free COVID-19 tests are once again available through www.COVIDTests.gov.
In Winona, Minn., local leaders responded to their Community Health Needs Assessment findings by organizing a framework for community-based care coordination.
FDA today authorized a single booster dose for children 5-11 who completed the Pfizer vaccine primary series at least five months before.
The RAND Corporation’s latest hospital pricing report again “overreaches and jumps to unfounded conclusions based on incomplete data,” said AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack.
The AHA and other hospital groups urged the courts to require drug companies to fulfill their legal obligations.
The hospital field continues to need COVID-19 relief and support, writes AHA’s senior vice president for federal relations, advocacy and political affairs.