
The latest stories from AHA Today.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency last week released a report recommending changes to streamline its Public Assistance Program based on feedback from stakeholders interviewed by an independent advisory committee.
To help hospitals and health systems meet demand during the current surge in respiratory illnesses for fever-reducing products to treat pediatric patients and adults unable to swallow solid oral dosage forms, the Food and Drug Administration Friday released guidance for outsourcing facilities…
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Wastewater Surveillance System has helped the nation monitor new COVID-19 variants and their spread during the public health emergency and will remain a critical data source for responding to the virus, according to a new report from the…
The Joint Commission recently appointed Susan Fox, president and CEO of White Plains Hospital in New York, to its Board of Commissioners effective Jan. 1.
The share of U.S. overdose deaths involving buprenorphine did not increase after federal agencies allowed clinicians to prescribe the opioid use disorder treatment remotely, among other flexibilities during the COVID-19 public health emergency, according to a federal study reported in JAMA Network…
The latest quarterly bulletin from the Department of Health and Human Services’ Healthcare Cybersecurity Coordination Center reviews cyber threats to the health care sector in fourth-quarter 2022.
Only 16% of pregnant people who reported drinking alcohol in 2017 or 2019 were advised by a health care provider to stop or reduce their alcohol use, although 80% were asked about alcohol use during their most recent health care visit, suggesting missed opportunities to reduce alcohol use during…
In an online survey last November of 1,200 U.S. adults previously vaccinated against COVID-19, 62% had not yet received a bivalent booster dose, most often because they did not know they were eligible or the booster was available, or believed they were immune against infection.
AHA today released its latest triennial report on governance structures and practices at U.S. hospitals and health systems, based on data from 933 hospital and health system CEOs surveyed between November 2021 and March 2022.
Emergency departments in the highest quartile of pediatric readiness based on National Pediatric Readiness Project standards have lower death rates for children with serious injury or illness than EDs in the lowest quartile, according to a federal study reported in JAMA Network Open.