
The latest stories from AHA Today.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has released a 29-minute video on estimating the impact of the transition to ICD-10 on Medicare inpatient hospital payments. In addition, the agency released a seven-minute video on Medicare’s testing plan for ICD-10. The Medicare Learning…
Employment at the nation's hospitals rose by 0.24% in April to a seasonally adjusted 4,858,600 people, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. That's 11,800 more people than in March and 86,400 more than a year ago. Without the seasonal adjustment, which removes the effect of…
Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon yesterday signed state legislation reinstituting caps on non-economic damages in medical liability cases. In 2012, the Missouri Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional a 2005 state law setting a $350,000 cap on non-economic damages in medical liability cases. The new…
Hospital leaders today urged the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies to eliminate unnecessary regulatory burdens and support federal programs critical to maintaining access to care in rural communities.
President Obama yesterday announced he will nominate National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Karen DeSalvo, M.D., to serve as assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services. DeSalvo has been serving as acting assistant secretary for health since…
Among Americans with employer-sponsored health insurance, per capita spending on health care for people with diabetes grew more for children than for any other age group in 2012 (7%) and 2013 (9.6%), according to a report released today by the Health Care Cost Institute. Average per capita…
Hospital leaders today urged the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies to eliminate unnecessary regulatory burdens and support federal programs critical to maintaining access to care in rural communities.
The number of uninsured working-age adults fell by 16.9 million between September 2013 and February 2015, to 25.8 million, according to a survey by RAND Corporation published online today by Health Affairs. Based on a nationally representative panel of 1,589 adults, the survey tracked…
The Senate voted 51-48 last night to approve a fiscal year 2016 budget conference agreement. Approved by the House last week, the budget plan would balance the budget within 10 years while saving more than $5 trillion and repealing the Affordable Care Act.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently issued a “strategic vision” for how it will administer the Physician Quality Reporting System, Physician Feedback/Value-Based Payment Modifier Program and other physician quality reporting programs. The document outlines five…