
The latest stories from AHA Today.

The AHA Board of Trustees has selected as its chairman-elect for 2016 Eugene Woods, president and chief operating officer of Christus Health in Irving, Texas. He will serve as AHA chairman in 2017.Woods next year will succeed James Skogsbergh as the association’s chairman-elect. Skogsbergh is…
A new online tool from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality shows state-level trends in hospital stays for adults with Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance and the uninsured. The Fast Stats tool allows users to examine hospital stay information for about 40 states.
The AHA’s Health Research & Educational Trust affiliate is surveying hospitals about their employee health and wellness programs to identify best practices for promoting employees’ health. The confidential survey was mailed last week to all hospital CEOs for completion by Aug. 31.…
From the board room to the bed side, parents are involved in the care and experience their children receive at Children’s Hospital Colorado in Aurora.
The recent wave of increases in the cost of prescription drugs is straining hospital budgets and squeezing patients. Hospitals point to tactics like Canadian-based Valeant’s purchase earlier this year of the rights to a pair of life-saving heart medications, Isuprel and Nitropress. The…
The Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund will have sufficient funds to cover its obligations until 2030, the same year that was projected last year and 13 years later than projected prior to passage of the Affordable Care Act, according to the latest annual report from the Medicare Board of…
At a hearing today on the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission’s most recent hospital policy recommendations, House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) advocated for site-neutral payment cuts consistent with draft legislation the committee released last year.…
The next members-only Town Hall webcast will be streamed live from the Health Forum/AHA Leadership Summit in San Francisco on Thursday at 1 p.m. ET. Panelists will cover the Supreme Court’s recent decision in King v. Burwell, Congress’ health care agenda, the 2016 elections and more.
The AHA, Catholic Health Association of the United States, and Association of American Medical Colleges last week responded to an Internal Revenue Service request for specific research supporting the inclusion of housing as a community benefit activity on Part I of Schedule H. “As you…
The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute today awarded $142.5 million in funding to 34 research networks to participate in the second phase of its National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network.