
The latest stories from AHA Today.

The AHA today released a webinar on its 2016 Environmental Scan, which provides a national high-level perspective on the health care landscape and market forces that have a high probability of affecting hospitals and health systems. Topics range from consumers and patients to political issues and…
The AHA encourages all hospitals to submit data to its quarterly RACTrac survey by Friday. The free web-based survey helps AHA measure the impact of Medicare's Recovery Audit Contractor program on hospitals and advocate for needed changes. For more information on the RACTrac initiative, visit www.…
Frisbee Memorial Hospital in Rochester, N.H., sees a healthy smile as the beginning of a healthier future for hundreds of youngsters in its communities.Since 1999, the hospital’s school-based dental education program, Frisbie Smiles, has partnered with local schools to provide dental…
Suburban Hospital registered nurse Leni Barry is always looking for new recruits to “wellness Wednesdays” at the Margaret Schweinhaut Senior Center in Montgomery County, Md. Take, for example, the elderly gentlemen who gather around the center’s “pool hall” lounge.
AHA today urged President Obama to protect access to health care services for seniors and the disabled by not including any further hospital payment reductions under Medicare in his fiscal year 2017 federal budget proposal.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention today urged dialysis providers to assess and promptly address any gaps in their infection control practices, citing an increase in reports of acute hepatitis C virus infections. Providers and facilities also should follow CDC guidelines for…
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention yesterday issued interim guidelines for U.S. health care providers caring for infants born to mothers who traveled or lived in an area with Zika virus transmission during their pregnancy.
The AHA, Federation of American Hospitals, and Association of American Medical Colleges yesterday asked the Supreme Court to reverse a federal appeals court decision that would permit opportunistic lawsuits that “shoehorn regulatory violations into [False Claims Act] liability." In a friend-…
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force yesterday issued a final recommendation that all people 18 and older, including women who are pregnant or have recently given birth, be screened for depression. “Screening should be implemented with adequate systems in place to ensure accurate…
The AHA today provided feedback on the Senate Finance Committee Chronic Care Working Group’s policy options to improve care for Medicare beneficiaries with chronic health conditions. “The AHA is pleased to see that the CCWG has included many of our priorities for improving care for…