Leading Performance Improvement

Building a culture of quality and safety in hospitals requires accomplished and courageous health care leaders: leaders who ensure care is provided systematically and who remain committed to achieving the highest levels of quality. The Comprehensive Patient Safety Leadership Fellowship, a program developed in 2001 by the AHA and the National Patient Safety Foundation, helps health care organizations embed evidence-based practices and inspire change. The CPSLF revamped its curriculum in 2011 to incorporate new solutions driving health care system transformation. To date, 322 health care professionals representing 188 organizations have participated. Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center in Hartford, Conn., and Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, N.J., are among the hospitals that are leveraging CPSLF participation of multiple leaders to improve safety and drive transformational change. Four Saint Francis employees have participated in the CPSLF, and Valley has its 17th and 18th staff members as part of the current fellowship class. The year-long fellowship includes four in-person learning sessions with expert faculty, periodic teleconferences/webinars and individual coaching. Fellows complete an action learning project to bring real change within their organizations and demonstrate their ability to apply the concepts learned.

Building a culture of quality and safety in hospitals requires accomplished and courageous health care leaders: leaders who ensure care is provided systematically and who remain committed to achieving the highest levels of quality. The Comprehensive Patient Safety Leadership Fellowship, a program developed in 2001 by the AHA and the National Patient Safety Foundation, helps health care organizations embed evidence-based practices and inspire change. The CPSLF revamped its curriculum in 2011 to incorporate new solutions driving health care system transformation. To date, 322 health care professionals representing 188 organizations have participated. Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center in Hartford, Conn., and Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, N.J., are among the hospitals that are leveraging CPSLF participation of multiple leaders to improve safety and drive transformational change. Four Saint Francis employees have participated in the CPSLF, and Valley has its 17th and 18th staff members as part of the current fellowship class. The year-long fellowship includes four in-person learning sessions with expert faculty, periodic teleconferences/webinars and individual coaching. Fellows complete an action learning project to bring real change within their organizations and demonstrate their ability to apply the concepts learned.
To learn more, go to the fellowhip page.