CSA TLP Clear Report: Shifting the Balance of Cybersecurity Risk Principles and Approaches for Secure by Design Software

Cyber Security Advisory TLP Clear Report: Shifting the Balance of Cybersecurity Risk Principles and Approaches for Secure by Design Software

Overview: Vulnerable by Design

Technology is integrated into nearly every facet of daily life, as internet-facing systems increasingly connect us to critical systems that directly impact our economic prosperity, livelihoods, and even health, ranging from personal identity management to medical care. One example of the disadvantage of such conveniences are the global cyber breaches resulting in hospitals canceling surgeries and diverting patient care. Insecure technology and vulnerabilities in critical systems may invite malicious cyber intrusions, leading to potential safety1 risks.

As a result, it is crucial for software manufacturers to make secure by design and secure by default the focal points of product design and development processes. Some vendors have made great strides driving the industry forward in software assurance, while others continue to lag behind. The authoring organizations strongly encourage every technology manufacturer to build their products based on reducing the burden of cybersecurity on customers, including preventing them from having to constantly perform monitoring, routine updates, and damage control on their systems to mitigate cyber intrusions. We also urge the software manufacturers to build their products in a way that facilitates automation of configuration, monitoring, and routine updates. Manufacturers are encouraged to take ownership of improving the security outcomes of their customers. Historically, software manufacturers have relied on fixing vulnerabilities found after the customers have deployed the products, requiring the customers to apply those patches at their own expense. Only by incorporating secure by design practices will we break the vicious cycle of constantly creating and applying fixes. Note: The term “secure by design” encompasses both secure by design and secure by default.

To accomplish this high standard of software security, the authoring organizations encourage manufacturers to prioritize the integration of product security as a critical prerequisite to features and speed to market. Over time, engineering teams will be able to establish a new steady-state rhythm where security is truly designed-in and takes less effort to maintain.

Reflecting this perspective, the European Union reinforces the importance of product security in the Cyber Resilience Act, emphasizing that manufacturers should implement security throughout a product‘s life-cycle in order to prevent manufacturers from introducing vulnerable products into the market.

View the detailed report below. 

For help with Cybersecurity and Risk Advisory Services exclusively for AHA members, contact:

John Riggi

National Advisor for Cybersecurity and Risk, AHA


(O) +1 202 626 2272