St. Catherine Hospital - Finney County Community Health Coalition

The Finney County Community Health Coalition (FCCHC) brings together more than 50 community partners on a regular basis to identify community needs and find funding to support them. The coalition began by framing three major community needs: reducing risky behaviors for young people, including teen pregnancy, smoking and drinking; improving transportation; and supporting families and children through two agendas – literacy training and preventing domestic violence.

What is it?

The Finney County Community Health Coalition (FCCHC) brings together more than 50 community partners on a regular basis to identify community needs and find funding to support them. The coalition began by framing three major community needs: reducing risky behaviors for young people, including teen pregnancy, smoking and drinking; improving transportation; and supporting families and children through two agendas – literacy training and preventing domestic violence.

Who is it for?

All Finney County community members.

Why do they do it?

A small group of community leaders came together in early 2000 to develop a teen pregnancy-prevention initiative. Its success led to the formation of the coalition.


From its beginning in 2000, the FCCHC has undertaken numerous initiatives such as helping to pass a no-smoking ordinance within the city limits, creating a fixed-route bus service and developing its Center for Children and Families.

Contact: Lee Ann Shrader
Chief Executive Officer, Finney County Community Health Coalition
Telephone: 620-765-1185