Sakakawea Medical Center - Journey to Wellness

This worksite wellness program was developed to empower individuals to take ownership and responsibility for improving their health. The program works with local business/industry and communities to create a culture of wellness in the workplace to set individuals on a path to success.

What is it?

This worksite wellness program was developed to empower individuals to take ownership and responsibility for improving their health. The program works with local business/industry and communities to create a culture of wellness in the workplace to set individuals on a path to success.

Who is it for?

Residents of Mercer, Oliver, Dunn and parts of McLean counties.

Why do they do it?

The program’s goal is to improve population health specifically related to obesity, physical inactivity and its effect on wellness. The intent is to reduce risk factors for disease and poor health.


Journey to Wellness has worked with 12 different businesses, some from large industries. Activities have included wellness screens, educational presentations and 1:1 coaching. These employers have shown much progress in changing their culture, and individuals have improved their biometrics through their participation.

Contact: Bert Speidel, R.N., B.S.N.
Certified Worksite Wellness Consultant
Telephone: 701-748-7224