Marty Stempniak


Delivery System Transformation, Strategic Planning

Will Boeing Change Health Care?

• Large employers, aiming to reduce the health costs for their employees, are forming tighter relationships directly with large provider networks, tying the contracts to the Triple Aim.

• Such direct-contracting strategies for now require a command of the whole continuum of care, and an employer large and concentrated enough to make the numbers work.

• Excelling in employer-led accountable care organizations requires new skills like data management and analysis.

Delivery System Transformation, Governance Effectiveness, Strategic Planning, Issues & Trends

Umbdenstock Reflects on Tenure With AHA, Shares Insight for Industrys Future

After 40 years in health care, eight as top executive at the American Hospital Association, RICH UMBDENSTOCK, 65, concluded his career at the end of August. He’s meeting some final commitments for the association through this month, but plans to step away from the field to spend some time with his wife, Barbara, and four grown children. Trustee spent a few minutes with the former health care governance consultant, reflecting on his past and contemplating the future for hospital boards. | Interviewed by Marty Stempniak

What Physician-led ACOs Can Teach Hospitals

Framing the issue:

Physician practices are forming their own accountable care organizations, free of contracts with particular hospitals.

Early returns have shown that such doctor-led ACOs have performed better than hospitals in the Medicare Shared Savings Program, with some saving millions by reducing hospitalizations.

The Patient Experience

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Research by Marty Stempniak

Maximizing the patient's experience is a hot topic for hospital executives. While this notion isn't new, it's been pushed to the forefront because of satisfaction surveys, increased competition and the Yelp-ification of health care.