With three weeks to go until its scheduled July 4 recess, the Senate is focused on legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Health care coverage for tens of millions of Americans may lie in the balance.

With three weeks to go, the Senate must decide whether to pass a bill similar to the House-passed American Health Care Act – a bill that would cause millions of people to lose their coverage – or to protect our most vulnerable patients, including children, the elderly, the disabled, and those with pre-existing conditions, such as cancer and chronic illnesses.

With three weeks to go, we’re continuing to pursue an aggressive advocacy strategy. We’re working with our allied state associations to activate a grassroots campaign in key states. The Coalition to Protect America’s Health Care, of which the AHA is a founding member, is energizing its online community of 1.4 million members and launching TV, radio, and digital advertising reinforcing the need to protect coverage. And we’re asking hospital CEOs to encourage their employees to make their voices heard during this critical time.

We’re asking you to contact your senators, especially Republicans, and urge them to reject the AHCA. We’ve been sharing our principles with key leaders since last fall’s election – and with a showdown Senate vote ahead, now, more than ever, we need you to defend your patients and the communities you serve. With three weeks to go, they’re counting on all of us.

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