

The AHA yesterday encouraged the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to eliminate its “all-or-nothing” approach to meaningful use of electronic health records, which is “overly burdensome”
The Department of Health and Human Services is looking to make meaningful use of electronic health records “more flexible and much more focused on clinical outcomes and interoperability” as it impl
Expanding the Diabetes Prevention Program model to Medicare beneficiaries with prediabetes would reduce net Medicare spending and improve quality of care without limiting benefits, Health and Human
The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute next month will issue a $22 million funding announcement soliciting studies to compare treatment strategies for lower back pain, a leading cause of
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention today released roughly 1,900 diagnosis codes that will be added to the ICD-10 coding system for health care claims in fiscal year 2017.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention today released interim guidance and additional resources for U.S.-based health care providers caring for individuals who have survived the Ebola virus
One barrier to appropriate care for patients with substance use disorders is the Medicaid exclusion for “institutions for mental disease,” Rep.
The House Judiciary Committee today held a markup to con
The Food and Drug Administration today issued a proposed rule that would ban most po
Hospital representatives are invited to learn more about recent policy and legal activities impacting the Medicare Recovery Audit Contractor program and review results from the AHA's latest RAC
The Department of Health and Human Services today issued a national strategy for improving pain care, whi
The Food and Drug Administration has issued an Emergency Use Authorization for a new diagnostic tool that can detect whether an individual is currently infected with chikungunya, dengue or Zika, in
Out-of-pocket costs for people who qualify for reduced cost-sharing through the Health Insurance Marketplace vary substantially by health plan, according to a
Georgia hospitals contributed $43.6 billion to the state’s economy in 2014, employing more than 160,000 people and indirectly supporting more than 364,000 jobs, according to a
The AHA today submitted to the House Energy and Commerce Committee several overarching recommendations for the Merit-based Incentive Payment System and alternative payment models, which will affect
The House Budget Committee last night voted 20-16 to approve a Republican budget plan for fiscal year 2017, which would reduce Med
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Office of Minority Health today released a tool showing geographic, racial and ethnic variation in hospitalizations, emergency department vis
Hospitals will not be able to submit fourth-quarter 2015 data to the hospital inpatient and outpatient quality reporting programs through March 21 because the Health Care Quality Information System