H-ISAC TLP White Physical Threat FB - ISAO: Physical Security Considerations and an Update to the Active Shooter Pocket Guide

August 26, 2022

Physical Security Considerations for Temporary Facilities Fact Sheet

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has made available a Physical Security Considerations for Temporary Facilities Fact Sheet. The Fact Sheet is designed to assist temporary facility operators with recommendations for securing special events and public gatherings. Temporary facilities are established for set timeframes for hosting a venue and face unique security challenges due to their provisional nature. This Fact Sheet walks through determining if a security plan is in place for the facility, if current protective measures provide the necessary security for the event, and the importance of conducting a vulnerability assessment to identify and prioritize areas of concern that need to be addressed. It emphasizes the importance of developing an emergency action plan and coordinating/exercising the plan with local law enforcement and first responders as they may not be familiar with the event, the facility, and its current temporary use/purpose. It also provides cost-effective protective measures to mitigate identified vulnerabilities and enhance security, and access to resources to support decision-making.

Some Houses of Worship share / rent facilities to host worship services and other worship related activities and events. The practice of sharing / renting facilities may pose a challenge for Houses of Worship who may or may not have a say so in the security practices of the facility that they share / rent the space from. The Physical Security Considerations for Temporary Facilities Fact Sheet offers some considerations for mitigating that risk. The Fact Sheet is attached and can also be found here: https://www.cisa.gov/securing-public-gatherings.

Active Shooter Pocket Card

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has just updated Active Shooter Pocket Card. This is an update to their previous pocket card and discusses run, hide, fight. The icons in The Pocket Card are displayed in a way that stakeholders did not feel they have to follow a linear process, but depending on the scenario, hiding, fighting, or running is the best chance of survival and they should consider all their options. CISA has also included a section on staying safe and a place to put the local security POC’s contact information as well as information on what to do when law enforcement arrives. The English version, which is a printer friendly version (two products on each side and printing instructions) and a single-sided version, can be found here.

The Active Shooter Pocket Card is available in many languages. A Hebrew and Yiddish translation of the Active Shooter Pocket Card has just been posted. The Active Shooter Pocket Card translations, to include the Hebrew and Yiddish translations, and can be found here.

View the detailed report below. 


For help with Cybersecurity and Risk Advisory Services exclusively for AHA members, contact:

John Riggi

National Advisor for Cybersecurity and Risk, AHA


(O) +1 202 626 2272