H-ISAC TLP White Finished Intelligence: HC3 Threat Briefing – Log4J Vulnerabilities and the Health Sector

Please see the following weekly threat brief from the HHS Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3). This week's briefing is on Log4J Vulnerabilities and the Health Sector and covers the following topics: 

  • Introduction/Overview
  • Logging Libraries/Frameworks 
  • Apache Log4J 
  • Timeline of Major Events 
  • Timeline of Exploitation 
  • Geographic Distribution of Exploitation 
  • Log4J Vulnerabilities 
  • Exploitation Details 
  • Patching and Remediation 
  • Conclusions 
  • References 

For help with Cybersecurity and Risk Advisory Services exclusively for AHA members, contact:

John Riggi

National Advisor for Cybersecurity and Risk, AHA


(O) +1 202 626 2272