H-ISAC TLP White Hacking Healthcare September 22, 2021

This edition of Hacking Healthcare begins by breaking down the relevant elements of the European Union’s (EU) annual State of the Union speech, including cybersecurity, healthcare, and semi-conductors. Next, we examine a new Policy Statement delivered by the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on the applicability of the Health Breach Notification Rule to health and fitness apps. Finally, we cover another twist to ransomware tactics that looks to undercut the use of ransomware negotiators and contact with law enforcement.  

In this edition:

  • EU State of the Union Speech Touches on Cyber and Healthcare
  • New FTC Ruling Clarifies Health Apps’ Compliance with Breach Notification Rule
  • Ransomware Gang Warns of Repercussions for Contacting Negotiators or Law Enforcement

View the entire report below. 

For help with Cybersecurity and Risk Advisory Services exclusively for AHA members, contact:

John Riggi

Senior Advisor for Cybersecurity and Risk, AHA


(O) +1 202 626 2272