H-ISAC TLP White Report: Hacking Healthcare January 26, 2021

This week, Hacking Healthcare begins with a brief overview of the HIPAA Journal’s 2020 Healthcare Data Breach Report and zeros in on one particular vulnerability that the healthcare sector should look to address in 2021. Next, we update you on a German healthcare act that addresses the importance of security when it comes to IT modernization, and we consider how it might be a useful case study for appropriately crafted cybersecurity legislation going forward. Finally, another incident involving contact-tracing programs segues us into a broader discussion on remote work policies and their impact on IT security. 

In this Edition:

  • HIPAA Journal 2020 Healthcare Data Breach Report
  • German Healthcare’s IT Security Booster Shot
  • COVID-19 Patient Data Has Been Sold Online for Months

View the entire report under Key Resources.