H-ISAC Report TLP White: Hacking Healthcare - December 1, 2020

This edition of Hacking Healthcare looks at proposed legislation from the United Kingdom (U.K.) that appears to signal the country is resolutely moving forward with the banishment of Huawei from its telecommunications infrastructure. We break down what it means for the U.K., other countries in similar positions, and users of the U.K.’s networks. Next, we briefly reiterate how the blurring of the cyber/physical divide is opening up new attack vectors that draw attention to the need for cyber-biosecurity. Lastly, we provide a quick recap of major findings from the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) 2020 Cybersecurity Survey.

In this edition:

  • U.K. Seeks to Emphasize Importance of Huawei Removal Through Financial Penalties
  • The Need for Cyber-Biosecurity
  • HIMSS 2020 Cybersecurity Survey Results