HC3: TLP White Sector Alert: Monkey Pox-Themed Phishing Campaign - September 19, 2022

Executive Summary

HC3 has been made aware of a monkepox-themed malspam campaign that is currently targeting healthcare providers. The campaign has a subject of “Data from (Victim Organization Abbreviation): "Important read about -Monkey Pox– (Victim Organization) (Reference Number)” and utilizes an “Important read about Monkey Pox” theme. Inside of the email is a PDF with a malicious link which lures the recipient to a Lark Docs site. The site is Adobe Doc cloud-themed and offers a secure fax MonkeyPox PDF download. Clicking the download attempts to harvest Outlook, O365, or Other Mail credentials. This campaign may have leveraged business email compromises (BECs) of HPH-related and possibly non-HPH entities.

View the detailed report below. 

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John Riggi

National Advisor for Cybersecurity and Risk, AHA


(O) +1 202 626 2272