Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources and Special Communications

Below are links to AHA resources developed in response to novel coronavirus (COVID-19). For all coronavirus resources and news updates, visit our COVID-19 page.


Asking asymptomatic COVID-exposed staff to work and using 36-hour shifts are among the strategies hospitals have employed to cope with severe nurse staffing shortages during the current wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Biden-Harris transition team named Jane Hopkins, RNMH, to its COVID-19 Advisory Board. Hopkins worked for over 20 years as a bedside nurse, most recently at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle and Snoqualmie (Wash.) Hospital and serves on the state’s COVID task force and Safe Start Advisory Board.
Leveraging peer support and employee assistance programs to assist distressed colleagues and celebrating victories to spotlight the positive impact of nurses’ work are among the best practices nurse leaders are using to address the mental and emotional trauma experienced by hospital staff during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Adequate staffing, sufficient protective equipment, more emotional support and a request administrators spend time shadowing nurses are among the local solutions proposed by nurses on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.
A July survey of 1,824 nurse leaders from AONL and Joslin Marketing identified the lack of a playbook, shortage of personal protective equipment and supplies, ever-changing information, changes in culture dynamics and financial impact as the top challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The current surge in COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations and deaths has pushed the health care system into crisis. The Tri-Council for Nursing continues to assess the situation, share information, and determine ways we can help mitigate the current burden on the nursing profession and provide constructive recommendations for the future.
Please join AHA Board Chair Melinda Estes, M.D., for the tenth in a series of Leadership Rounds. Dr. Estes is joined by Claire Zangerle, MSN, MBA, RN, Chief Nurse Executive at Allegheny Health Network (AHN), to discuss how hospitals can move from relief, recovery, and rebuilding to reimagining and innovation.
John Riggi, AHA senior advisor for cybersecurity and risk, testimony before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on defending communities from cyber threats during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The AHA asks the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to take additional steps to increase flexibilities for providers responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
A new analysis prepared by the American Hospital Association (AHA) highlights commercial health insurance practices that contribute to burnout in the clinical workforce and make it more difficult for some Americans to access the care they need.
In this podcast, AJ Rolle, Senior Program Manager at the AHA, moderates a discussion between Marc Berejka, Director of Government & Community Affairs at REI, and Bill Burke, CEO of Merit Solutions, on how their organizations are contributing to AHA’s 100 Million Mask Challenge through HealthEquip.
Health care coverage is eroding for many Americans as some health insurers are restricting access to services through administrative barriers and inappropriately withholding reimbursement from prov
As COVID-19 vaccine development continues to progress, leading U.S. medical, nursing and health organizations today affirmed their commitment to ensuring COVID-19 vaccines are evaluated and ultimately authorized through a rigorous scientific and regulatory process.
During the pandemic, health systems were pushed to transform their digital strategies quickly to meet the needs of their patients and communities.
Congress is back in Washington, D.C., and sprinting to the finish line to complete its end-of-the-year work during the “lame-duck” session. Funding for the federal government, as well as other key health care provisions, are set to expire Dec. 11.
Hospitals and health systems are forming partnerships to create a network of services that better address the social and legal needs of vulnerable populations.