Redefining the "H"

Partnering in 2014, the AHA Committee on Research and AHA Committee on Performance Improvement focused on how hospital and health care system leaders can work collaboratively with their trustees and communities to address community health needs—while at the same time developing a sustainable business model in a field undergoing tremendous transformation. The committees jointly released Leadership Toolkit for Redefining the H: Engaging Trustees and Communities. Jonathan Perlin, MD, 2015 AHA board chair, led the 2014 Committee on Research, a dynamic group of hospital leaders and health care experts. During the year, the committee reached out and received feedback from more than a thousand hospital CEOs and boards about redefining the “H.” Similarly, the 2014 Committee on Performance Improvement, chaired by Thomas Burke, MD, hosted “community conversations” across the country to discuss transforming health care and community health, focusing not only on the hospital's role but also the role of stakeholders. The insights, recommendations and challenges shared by trustees and community members guided the development of this Leadership Toolkit. The toolkit and its resources and leadership and governance strategies are designed for all types and sizes of hospitals and communities.

The Leadership Toolkit for Redefining the H: Engaging Trustees and Communities, including the report and separate tools and resources sections, is available to download for free at has additional resources on health care transformation.