AHA Team Training proudly provides free resources to empower the field.

Whether you're looking to learn more about TeamSTEPPS, find data to show proof of concept, or access training materials to use in your organization, we have something to help you. Our resource center is organized into three sections - Learn About TeamSTEPPS, Share TeamSTEPPS Data, and TeamSTEPPS Training Tools - with links to a variety of flyers, videos, citations, slide decks and more! We aim to provide support and resources for all stages of your TeamSTEPPS journey, pre-implementation all the way through sustainment and spread. Can't find what you need? Let us know at TeamTraining@aha.org.

TeamSTEPPS Pocket Guide

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Learn About TeamSTEPPS

Get more details and information about TeamSTEPPS, an evidence-based methodology to help optimize team performance, bolster staff well-being, and increase patient safety.

  • About TeamSTEPPS and Team Training – high-level overview of TeamSTEPPS and our Team Training program
  • Understanding TeamSTEPPS Guide – in-depth look at the TeamSTEPPS methodology and various implementation strategies
  • Making the Case for TeamSTEPPS – customizable slide deck for meetings and making your pitch - coming soon!
Medical person smiling while taking notes

Share TeamSTEPPS Data & Stories

Dive into TeamSTEPPS data collected from the field, including our exclusive TeamSTEPPS Success Stories from our past partners and clients.

Three medical personal walking in a hospital hallway talking together

TeamSTEPPS Training Tools

Get materials to assess your readiness and run your own TeamSTEPPS trainings. You’ll find options for in-person courses, and an out-of-the-box option for virtual use.


Share Your TeamSTEPPS Success Story!

We are looking for measurable outcomes – both quantitative and qualitative – of your TeamSTEPPS journey. Your story might be just the catalyst needed to spur others on to stronger, better days for both patients and care teams.

Complete our interest form and we'll email you with next steps.

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