Patient Navigation Program--An Avon Foundation Safety-Net Project

Three patient navigators are used to advocate on behalf of women with abnormal breast findings on mammograms. The main goals of the program are to remove barriers to making appointments (e.g. transportation), not knowing the next steps in care, and financial issues. In addition, navigators are tasked with reducing loss to follow-up and improve timeliness of receiving care. They navigate the patient until the radiologist recommends annual follow-up or a cancer is diagnosed. Once a cancer is diagnosed, navigators also coordinate consults with treating physicians and any pre-surgical testing.

Three patient navigators are used to advocate on behalf of women with abnormal breast findings on mammograms. The main goals of the program are to remove barriers to making appointments (e.g. transportation), not knowing the next steps in care, and financial issues. In addition, navigators are tasked with reducing loss to follow-up and improve timeliness of receiving care. They navigate the patient until the radiologist recommends annual follow-up or a cancer is diagnosed. Once a cancer is diagnosed, navigators also coordinate consults with treating physicians and any pre-surgical testing.

Read the whole case study below (click 'view item').

This case study is part of the Illinois Hospital Association's annual quality awards. Each year, IHA recognizes and celebrates the achievements of Illinois hospitals in continually improving and transforming health care in the state. These hospitals are improving health by striving to achieve the Triple Aim--improving the patient experience of care (including quality and satisfaction); improving the health of populations; and reducing the per capita cost of health care.

Award recipients achieve measurable and meaningful progress in providing care that is:

  • Safe
  • Timely
  • Effective
  • Efficient
  • Equitable
  • Patient-centered

(The Institute of Medicine's six aims for improvement.)