Improving Sepsis Mortality and Cost of Care through Quality Improvement

Shortcomings in the treatment for patients with severe sepsis and septic shock were observed. An evidence-based protocol for patient resuscitation was introduced. A multidisciplinary critical care committee was formed to review outcomes and encourage improved compliance with best practices. A sepsis alert program was instituted, along with routine screening of all admissions, and improved data collection was utilized in ongoing rapid cycle improvements. These improvements resulted in a 36 percent reduction in mortality and a 12 percent reduction in variable cost per case.

Shortcomings in the treatment for patients with severe sepsis and septic shock were observed. An evidence-based protocol for patient resuscitation was introduced. A multidisciplinary critical care committee was formed to review outcomes and encourage improved compliance with best practices. A sepsis alert program was instituted, along with routine screening of all admissions, and improved data collection was utilized in ongoing rapid cycle improvements. These improvements resulted in a 36 percent reduction in mortality and a 12 percent reduction in variable cost per case.

Read the whole case study below (click 'view item').

This case study is part of the Illinois Hospital Association's annual quality awards. Each year, IHA recognizes and celebrates the achievements of Illinois hospitals in continually improving and transforming health care in the state. These hospitals are improving health by striving to achieve the Triple Aim--improving the patient experience of care (including quality and satisfaction); improving the health of populations; and reducing the per capita cost of health care.

Award recipients achieve measurable and meaningful progress in providing care that is:

  • Safe
  • Timely
  • Effective
  • Efficient
  • Equitable
  • Patient-centered

(The Institute of Medicine's six aims for improvement.)