Mock Code and Rapid Response Training Initiative

For 18 months, New York Medical College at Westchester Medical Center implemented several interventions to reduce inpatient morbidity and mortality related to cardiopulmonary arrests. In November 2009, a rapid response system went into full operation. Leading up to the 'go live' date, the hospital convened a steering committee composed of members of the major clinical and academic services patient safety experts. The group determined operational parameters, established policies and guidelines, and identified barriers to implementation, while arranging an educational program prior to rollout. At the same time, the Department of Medicine developed and implemented a mock code and rapid response simulation training curriculum.

For 18 months, New York Medical College at Westchester Medical Center implemented several interventions to reduce inpatient morbidity and mortality related to cardiopulmonary arrests. In November 2009, a rapid response system went into full operation. Leading up to the 'go live' date, the hospital convened a steering committee composed of members of the major clinical and academic services patient safety experts. The group determined operational parameters, established policies and guidelines, and identified barriers to implementation, while arranging an educational program prior to rollout. At the same time, the Department of Medicine developed and implemented a mock code and rapid response simulation training curriculum.