The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services seeks comments through Nov. 20 on a “new direction” for its Innovation Center that will approach new model design through six guiding principles: choice and competition in the market; provider choice and incentives; patient-centered care; benefit design and price transparency; transparent model design and evaluation; and small scale testing. “While existing partnerships with health care providers, clinicians, states, payers and stakeholders have generated important value and lessons, CMS is setting a new direction for the Innovation Center,” the request for information states. “We will carefully evaluate how models developed consistent with the new directions can complement what we are learning from the existing initiatives.” In particular, the center is interested in testing models in the following areas: increased participation in advanced alternative payment models; consumer-directed care and market-based innovation models; physician specialty models; prescription drug models; Medicare Advantage innovation models; state-based and local innovation, including Medicaid-focused models; mental and behavioral health models; and program integrity.

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