Special Bulletin

The American Hospital Association (AHA)  sends members Special Bulletins on the latest health care news, legislation, and advocacy opportunities for hospitals and health systems.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid \(D-NV\) last night unveiled the ")PatientProtection and Affordable Care Act") \(H.R. 3590\).
President Obama Saturday declared a national emergency in response to the spreading H1N1 influenza pandemic, an action that is supported by the AHA and others involved in tracking how hospitals are faring during the growing pandemic.
House leaders today released H.R. 3962, the ")America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009.")
The Congressional Budget Office, the non-partisan agency that ")scores") the costs and effects of legislation, yesterday announced that the Senate Finance Committee's health care reform legislation would cost 29 billion over 10 years, is fully paid for, and reduces the federal deficit by 1 billion.
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus \(D-MT\) today released thechairmans mark of the Americas Healthy Future Act of 2009.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services \(CMS\) late Friday issued its hospital inpatient prospective payment system \(PPS\) final rule for fiscal year \(FY\) 2010, which made two significant improvements compared to the proposed rule issued in May.
House leaders today released the ")America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009.") The ")tri-committee") health care reform bill is the product of the leaders of three key House committees: Ways & Means, Energy & Commerce and Education & Labor.
The AHA today announced its support for an agreement on health care reform that expands health coverage to 95% of Americans while capping at 55 billion over 10 years the amount of hospital spending cuts that would be used to help achieve that goal.
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel \(D-NY\), Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman \(D-CA\) and Education and Labor Committee Chairman George Miller \(D-CA\) today released their draft health care reform legislation.