Special Bulletin

The American Hospital Association (AHA)  sends members Special Bulletins on the latest health care news, legislation, and advocacy opportunities for hospitals and health systems.

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) this week hosted webinars for health care providers on the agency’s COVID-19 Uninsured Program Portal. During the webinars, representatives from HRSA and United Health Group, the portal administrator, reviewed the process for submitting claims…
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) today, April 29, and tomorrow, April 30, will host webinars for health care providers on the agency’s COVID-19 Uninsured Program Portal. Health care providers are eligible for reimbursement from the federal government for COVID-19 testing,…
he Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services April 28 and April 30 will host calls for hospitals, health systems and providers on COVID-19.
Health care providers are eligible for reimbursement from the federal government for COVID-19 testing, treatment and related services provided to the uninsured. Starting today, April 27, providers, including hospitals and health systems, can register to participate with the Health Resources and…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) April 26 announced it is reevaluating the amounts that will be paid under its Accelerated Payment Program and suspending its Advance Payment Program to Part B suppliers effective immediately.
As urged by the AHA, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) today issued an interim final rule clarifying certain provisions implementing the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), including whether public hospitals are eligible for a PPP loan.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health IT this week announced the final interoperability rules will be published in the Federal Register May 1 with changes in certain compliance and enforcement deadlines. The rules were…
Earlier this week, HHS announced it will make targeted distributions to hospitals and other facilities that have been particularly affected by the increased burden of caring for those with the COVID-19. HHS asked all hospitals to submit certain data via a vendor portal called TeleTracking to help…
On April 21, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that it soon will make targeted distributions to hospitals and other facilities that have been particularly affected by the increased burden of caring for those with COVID-19.