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33541 Results Found


AHA podcast: Workforce Safety Means Patient Safety

“Safety Speaks” is a new Advancing Health series where hospital and health system leaders share successes from their organizations’ patient safety efforts.

IHF CEO discusses tools hospitals and boards can use to improve sustainability efforts in Q&A

Ronald Lavater, CEO of the International Hospital Federation, describes tools hospitals, health systems and their boards can use to improve their sustainability efforts in a Q&A with Sue Ellen Wagner, AHA vice president of trustee engagement and strategy, in the latest issue of AHA's Trustee Insights newsletter.

Melony G. Griffith


AMA survey shows physicians, patients heavily burdened by prior authorization

A majority of physicians say the prior authorization process continues to have a negative impact on patient outcomes and employee productivity, according to a survey by the American Medical Association.

Carolyn Boone Lewis Equity of Care Award Winners

The AHA Institute for Diversity and Health Equity has renamed the award to honor the first African American and first hospital trustee to chair the AHA board, who was a tireless advocate for equity of care.

Maximizing the Employee Value Proposition

Many organizations are reassessing various workforce strategies to stay competitive. This often includes reviewing the broader employee total rewards programs and ensuring pay programs account for things such as cost of living and geographic pay differentials. They are also evaluating nursing job architecture and career frameworks, headcount, span of control and more. Join our webinar to learn actionable insights and strategies to recruit and retain this critical workforce.

Mechanic Evaluation and Certification for Health Care (MECH)

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Certified Health Care Facility Manager (CHFM)

Certified Health Care Facility Managers (CHFM) have demonstrated mastery of the five core domains of health care facility management.

Certified Materials & Resource Professionals (CMRP)

Certified Materials & Resource Professionals (CMRP) are experienced health care supply chain and inventory management professionals.