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796 Results Found


Behavioral Health: Community Partnerships

The resources on this page showcase stories and the steps to achieving successful behavioral health community partnerships and expand access to behavioral health services at the right time, place and level of care.
Rural Health Update

Rural Health News Update June 13, 2024

Education & Events

Plenary Sessions

Plenaries at the AHA Leadership Summit will inspire and inform.
Trustee Articles

Trustee Insights Archive Editions

Trustee Insights I Archive includes previous editions of the AHA’s enhanced digital resource for hospital and health system boards and leadership. This robust ­monthly digital package includes insights and analysis on the changing dynamics in the health care field and what they mean for boards, as well as other rich resources to help achieve high-performing governance.

Strengthening the Health Care Workforce: Strategies for Now, Near and Far Report

As we chart a new path together, we have developed this new resource – under the guidance of the AHA Board of Trustees’ Task Force on Workforce and with input from many members of the Association – to help hospitals navigate workforce challenges and opportunities, as well as highlight strategies and resources to assist on these pivotal efforts.
Associate Reports

Exclusive AHA Insights for our Partners in the Business Community

This is exclusive Insider content for AHA Associate Program Organizations. Thought leadership materials about workforce, cybersecurity, rural health.
Action Alert

Join AHA’s Sept. 13 Virtual Advocacy Day

Congress is returning to Washington, D.C., with a number of high-profile issues on their agenda, including funding the government.
Press Releases

AHA Names New Trustees to the Board

The American Hospital Association (AHA) has elected eight members to its Board of Trustees for terms beginning Jan. 1, 2025. The Board of Trustees is the highest policymaking body of the AHA and has ultimate authority for the governance and management of its directions and finances. In addition, Michael Ugwueke, president and CEO of Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare in Memphis, Tenn., will join the AHA Board immediately filling an unexpired term that extends through 2026.
Issue Landing Page

AHA Patient Safety Initiative

The Patient Safety Initiative is a collaborative, data-driven effort that gives hospitals and health systems a strong voice in the national conversation around health care safety, centering the views of clinicians, and telling the hospital and health system patient safety story.