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2662 Results Found


Hospitals to receive additional remdesivir allocations

The Department of Health and Human Services announced an agreement with drug maker Gilead Sciences to allow U.S. hospitals to purchase up to 500,000 treatment courses of remdesivir through September, which HHS and state health departments will allocate as they did the previous 120,000 treatment courses donated by the drug maker.

As the Government Prepares to End COVID-19 Emergencies, We Must Use Lessons to Create a Better Health Care System

For three years, hospitals, health systems and health care workers have been on the front lines of the greatest public health crisis our nation has faced in a century.

HHS alerts health sector to monkeypox-themed phishing campaign

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3) yesterday alerted the sector to a monkeypox-themed phishing campaign targeting health care providers.
Other Resources

Information and Tools on Maternal Mental Health

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Flawed Report Aims to Deflect Attention From Role Insurer PBMs Play in High Drug Costs

A new AHIP “report” suggests that hospitals are significantly marking up the costs of drugs to the detriment of patients. They make baseless claims that specialty pharmacies, many of which insurers conveniently own through their pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) affiliates, provide a lower-cost alternative for patients.

CDC: COVID-19 hospitalization rates slow after statewide mask mandates

Between March 22 and Oct. 17, 2020, weekly COVID-19-associated hospitalization rates reported by 10 COVID-19-Associated Hospitalization Surveillance Network sites declined by 5.5 percentage points for adults under age 65 after states began mandating the use of facemasks, according to a report released by the CDC.

RAND’s solutions for lowering health care costs are ineffective and potentially harmful

A recent report from RAND misses the mark on solutions to the cost of health care and draws its conclusions from the same recycled and incomplete studies.
H-ISAC: White Reports

H-ISAC TLP Green Coronavirus Daily Update October 21, 2021

Our major Headlines, “Good Stuff”, US Snapshots, US Vaccinations, US Variant Proportions, Highlights, as well as key Statistics, US State Variants, Vaccine and Treatment information, US State Mandates and the Back to Normal Index related to the novel coronavirus pandemic
Press Releases

American Hospital Association Recognizes Mount Sinai Health System With 2022 Carolyn Boone Lewis Equity of Care Award

The American Hospital Association’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity today announced that Mount Sinai Health System, in New York City, will receive the 2022 Carolyn Boone Lewis Equity of Care (EOC) Award.