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33586 Results Found


Chairman’s File: Expanding access to behavioral health care

During Mental Health Month, let’s all remember that caring for the whole person improves health and saves lives.
Issue Brief

Integrated Behavioral Health is High-value Care

This issue brief examines how integration can take various forms based on provider, patient and community needs and how telebehavioral health can help in areas with shortages of behavioral health professionals.

Chair File: Leadership Dialogue — Addressing the Behavioral Health Crisis with Jesse Tamplen of John Muir Health

On this episode, I talk with Jesse Tamplen, vice president of behavioral health services at John Muir Health, located east of San Francisco, and a member of the AHA Committee on Behavioral Health.

The Growing Role of Emergency Departments in Behavioral Health Services

The past five years have seen a rise in the number of people turning to their local hospital emergency departments for behavioral health and addiction services.

Public health emergency ends but the mental health emergency continues

With the COVID-19 pandemic receding from the national headlines and public health emergency (PHE) winding down later this month, it’s imperative to reflect on the pandemic’s impact on mental health care in the United States, and how we must adapt to face the ongoing challenge of providing mental health care services to our communities.

Sanford Health: Enhancing your Workforce's Impact and Patient Access to Behavioral Health

On October 10, 2017, executives from Sanford Health, Sioux Falls, SD shared how they developed and implemented "Sanford One Care" an enterprise wide, integrative, team-based

7 Steps to Expand the Behavioral Health Capabilities of Your Workforce

A Guide to Help Move You Forward

Burnout: The New Pandemic

Health care has always been a demanding profession, and the effects of the last few years have meant that health care workers have been asked to do more with less.
Case Studies

Behavioral health crisis center reduces ED visits, shrinks health disparities

Behavioral health integration often improves patient outcomes, enhances patient and provider satisfaction, and lowers costs — otherwise known as the Triple Aim of health care reform.