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Lynnette Watkins


Gina Calder


At AHA Hill briefing, hospital leaders say site-neutral payment cuts jeopardize access to care for patients and communities

Proposals to reduce Medicare payment rates for hospital outpatient departments by aligning them with payment rates for independent physician offices and ambulatory surgery centers are based on the false assumption that Medicare overpays hospitals for outpatient services, when in fact hospitals receive only 84 cents for every dollar they spend caring for Medicare patients, resulting in a staggering negative 17.5% Medicare outpatient margin, AHA and hospital leaders told congressional and other stakeholders at a Capitol Hill briefing June 26.  

NCI awards grants to improve cancer outcomes in low-income areas

The National Cancer Institute will provide $50 million in funding over five years to five centers that will research and implement structural changes to prevent cancer and improve outcomes for people in persistent poverty areas.
Cybersecurity Government Intelligence Reports

HC3 TLP Clear Analyst Note: SEO Poisoning – June 22, 2023

Search engine optimization (SEO) poisoning, considered a type of malvertising (malicious advertising), is a technique used by threat actors to increase the prominence of their malicious websites.
H-ISAC: White Reports

H-ISAC TLP White Finished Intelligence Reports HC3: Analyst Note - SEO Poisoning June 22, 2023

Search engine optimization (SEO) poisoning, considered a type of malvertising (malicious advertising), is a technique used by threat actors to increase the prominence of their malicious websites.

Apply for the AHA Rural Hospital Leadership Team Award

Rural hospital leadership teams are encouraged to apply through Aug. 31 for this AHA award honoring outstanding leadership and responsiveness to community health needs through collaboration and innovation.
Landing Page

ICD-10 and Administrative Simplification

ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS are the HIPAA code set standards for hospital reporting of diagnosis and procedures.

Proposals to Reduce Medicare Payments Would Jeopardize Access to Essential Care and Services for Patients

This report provides key evidence as to why site-neutral payment policies are misguided, highlighting the substantial negative impact these policies and new legislative proposals would have on access to the care that the nation’s hospitals and health systems provide.

Setting the Record Straight: Private Equity and Health Insurers Acquire More Physicians than Hospitals Infographic

Private equity, physician groups and health insurers have acquired the vast majority of physician practices during the last five years. Percentage of acquired physicians by type, 2019-2023. Private equity: 65%; Physician Medical Groups: 14%; Health Insurers: 11%; Hospitals and Health Systems: 6%; Other Services: 4%.