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Blog: Easing restrictions wrong prescription for physician-owned hospitals

A recent opinion piece in The Hill promoting physician-owned hospitals gives a misleading and incomplete account of these facilities and the reasons for current statutory restrictions on their growth, writes Ashley Thompson, senior vice president for public policy analysis and development at the AHA.
Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet: Physician Self-referral to Physician-owned Hospitals

Some members of Congress continue to propose weakening Medicare’s prohibition on physician self-referral to new physician-owned hospitals and loosening restrictions on the growth of grandfathered hospitals. The Patient Access to Higher Quality Health Care Act of 2023 (H.R. 977/S.470), would allow problematic physician-owned hospitals to open and permit unfettered growth in existing physician-owned hospitals.
Press Releases

New Analysis Reaffirms Need to Maintain Current Law Banning Self-Referral to Physician-Owned Hospitals

Data from the health care consulting firm Dobson | Davanzo, released today by the Federation of American Hospitals (FAH) and the American Hospital Association (AHA), shows that physician-owned hospitals (POHs), when compared to other hospitals, treat less medically complex and more financially lucrative patients, provide fewer emergency services, and treat fewer COVID-19 cases.

Study reaffirms need for ban on self-referral to physician-owned hospitals  

Compared to other hospitals, physician-owned hospitals treat less medically complex and more financially lucrative patients, provide fewer emergency services and treat fewer COVID-19 cases, according to data from health care consulting firm Dobson | Davanzo released today by the AHA and Federation of American Hospitals. 

FAH, AHA Oppose Legislation Allowing Unfettered Growth of Self-referral to Physician-owned Hospitals

New Analysis Shows Physician-owned Hospitals Cherry-pick Patients, Provide Less Uncompensated and Emergency Care.

Physician-owned hospitals are bad for patients and communities

For decades, the Ethics in Patient Referrals Act (“Stark Law”) has protected the Medicare program, its beneficiaries and communities from the inherent conflict of interest created when physicians self-refer their patients to facilities and services they own.

AHA, FHA blog says physician-owned hospitals are bad for patients and communities 

Physician-owned hospitals are “not good for patients, communities, the integrity of the Medicare program, or providers who are actually in the business of caring for all patients, 24/7, regardless of their ability to pay or their medical condition,” the AHA and Federation of American Hospitals wrote today in a blog post.  

New Study Validates the Risks of Expanding Physician-owned Hospitals

A new study funded by Patient Rights Advocate adds to the evidence that physician-owned hospitals (POHs) are not comparable to or substitutes for full-service acute care hospitals.

Blog: New Study Validates the Risks of Expanding Physician-owned Hospitals

A new study on physician-owned hospitals only reinforces Congress’ concerns amid calls by some to repeal restrictions on POHs, write AHA Executive Vice President Stacey Hughes and Federation of American Hospitals President and CEO Chip Kahn.

New Analysis Validates Need to Preserve Restrictions on the Growth of Physician-owned Hospitals

As some members of Congress continue to propose weakening Medicare’s prohibition on physician self-referral to new physician-owned hospitals (POHs) and loosening restrictions on the growth of existing POHs, new data from Dobson | DaVanzo show that POHs report fewer quality measures and perform worse on readmission penalties compared to full-service community hospitals.