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33533 Results Found


Legislation would extend CHIP funding through 2019

Democratic members of the Senate Finance and House Energy and Commerce committees yesterday introduced separate bills to extend funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program through 201

FDA issues draft guidance on drug compounding, repackaging

The Food and Drug Administration today released for public comment four draft guidance doc

Altarum: Health sector jobs surge; hospital price growth at 16-year low

The health sector added 127,000 jobs in the three months ending in January, the largest quarterly increase in at least 25 years, according to the latest

Connecticut hospitals contribute $21.9 billion to economy

Connecticut hospitals contributed $21.9 billion to the state and local economies in 2013, according to a

CMS issues ruling implementing DOMA decision in Medicare

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today issued a ruling stating the a

Physicians can apply to participate in new oncology care payment model

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today announced<

HHS: 7.8 million enrolled through

Nearly 7.8 million consumers selected or were re-enrolled in a health plan through between Nov. 15 and Feb.

Coalition releases new 'Hospital Heroes' video

Continuing its focus on “Hospital Heroes,” the Coalition to Protect America’s Health Care yesterday released a new