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33541 Results Found


House passes IPAB repeal bill

The House of Representatives last night voted 244-154 to approve legislation (H.R. 1190) to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board.

CDC survey: 8.8 million fewer U.S. residents uninsured in 2014

An estimated 36 million U.S.

Study: 1 in 10 eligible seniors receive ICD after heart attack

Fewer than one in 10 eligible older patients receive an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator within one year of a heart attack, according to a

AHA responds to gaps in NY Times editorial on hospital prices

In a letter to the editor published today, AHA takes issue with a recent New

Hospital pathways to the future are all about accountability, transparency, says Miller

The Class of 2017 profiles the women and men who joined the AHA board this year.

Senate subcommittee approves Labor-HHS funding bill

A Senate appropriations subcommittee today approved legislation that would provide $153.2 billion in discretionary funding for the departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and rel

HHS urged to finalize Medicaid equal access rule

Ranking members of House and Senate committees with jurisdiction over federal health care programs yesterday urged Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell to finalize a 2011

CMS: 12.3 million enroll in Medicaid/CHIP since October 2013

About 12.3 million people enrolled in Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program between Oct.

Students coach elderly patients to better health

Pocono Medical Center (PMC) Chief Medical Executive Jonathan Goldner, M.D., has seen it happen too many times. Elderly patients suffering from chronic diseases are discharged from the hospital.