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33541 Results Found


CMS: 12.8 million enroll in Medicaid/CHIP since October 2013

About 12.8 million people enrolled in Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program between Oct.

Hospital leaders urge Congress to support needs of rural patients

Hospital leaders July 28 urged the House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee to eliminate unnecessary regulatory burdens and support federal policies critical to maintaining access to care in rural

Hospitals need predictability

Hospitals need a predictable partner in the federal government – one that won’t cut Medicare funding for hospital services to pay for other programs, AHA Executive Vice President Rick P

CMS: Health spending to grow average 5.8% annually through 2024

National health spending is expected to grow an average 5.8% annually from 2014-2024, due to coverage expansions under the Affordable Care Act, anticipated economic growth and an aging population,

AHA alerts Congress to safety concerns with FCC proposal

The AHA today shared with Congress its concern that the Federal Communications Commission may act Aug.

Hospital leaders urge Congress to support unique needs of rural patients

Hospital leaders today urged the House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee to eliminate unnecessary regulatory burdens and support federal policies critical to maintaining access to care in rural co

AHA asks to participate in House hearing on health insurance industry consolidation

The AHA today requested to participate in a hearing the House Judiciary Committee will hold on consolidation in the health insurance industry.

AHA-supported bill would improve, make permanent Veterans Choice Program

The AHA today voiced support for the Veterans Health Care Freedom Act (H.R. 3183), legislation that would make the Veterans Choice Program permanent and more accessible.

AHA voices support for Veterans' Mental Health Care Access Act

The AHA today expressed support for the Veterans’ Mental Health Care Access Act (H.R.

VA proposes to clarify medication reimbursement for non-VA emergency care

The Department of Veterans Affairs yesterday published a proposed rule clarifying its regulations with respect to re