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33553 Results Found


ASPR project aims to speed respirator production in emergency

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response last week

HHS announces HIPAA security rule-related settlement

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights yesterday announced

Reminder: Hospitals encouraged to complete health IT survey

The AHA encourages all hospitals to complete the eighth annual Information Technology Supplement to the AHA Annual Survey.

Reminder: AHA webinar tomorrow on RAC survey data, policy updates

Hospital representatives are invited to learn more about recent policy activity impacting the Medicare Recovery Audit Contractor program and review results from the AHA's latest RACTrac

CDC issues draft opioid prescribing guidelines for outpatient settings

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will accept comments through Jan.

CMS call Monday on implementing NOTICE Act requirements

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will host a Town Hall teleconference Dec.

White House to host first in series of regional forums Wednesday on opioid epidemic

The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy will host on Wednesday in Oklahoma the first in a series of regional forums on evidence-based initiatives to prevent and treat prescription op

CMS rolls out decision-support tools for

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Friday deployed tools to help consumers estimate their out-of-pocket costs and identify physicians, facilities and prescription drugs included in th

AHA: Hospitals will continue to respond with care in wake of violence

The recent violence in communities across America may signal a “new normal” for necessary readiness, but America’s hospitals will continue to be there, ready to care,

Reminder: Baldrige program seeks candidates for 2016 executive fellows program

The Baldrige Performance Excellence Program is now accepting applications for its 2016