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33569 Results Found


House votes to go to conference with Senate on opioid bills

The House today agreed to go to conference with the Senate on the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (S.

CDC survey: 7.4 million fewer U.S. residents uninsured in 2015

An estimated 28.6 million U.S.

House and Senate to consider Zika emergency funding bills

House Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers (R-KY) today introduced legislation t

HHS issues final rule on non-discrimination in health programs

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights Friday issued a fi

Physical activity associated with lower risk for many cancers

People who exercise more may be less likely to get 13 types of cancers, according to a study publis

CDC announces Zika preparedness funds

Fifty-three U.S.

Reminder: AHA accepting applications for Health Care Transformation Fellowship

Hospital and health system leaders are invited to apply through June 1 for the AHA’s Health Care System Transformation Fellowship.

Federal judge sides with House Republicans in exchange cost-sharing challenge

President Obama did not have the authority to pay cost-sharing reductions to low-income enrollees in health insurance plans purchased on an exchange, a federal district court judge

House approves AHA-supported bills to address opioid epidemic

The House of Representatives last night approved seven AHA-supported bills as part of its legisl

AHA shares global budget payment model recommendations with CMS

The AHA supports the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ efforts to explore the feasibility of global budget payment programs in geographically defined communities, the association