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33575 Results Found


AHA two-part webinar this month on implementing MACRA

The AHA will host a two-part webinar Aug.

FDA announces sodium chloride injection recall

ICU Medical Inc.

Senate rejects 'skinny' ACA repeal bill

Senators early this morning voted 49-51 against a “skinny” bill to repeal parts of the Affordable Care Act. Three Republicans – Sens.

CDC issues report on antibiotic use, stewardship

A new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report provides an overview of antibiotic use in U.S.

AHA honors two federal health care leaders

The AHA today presented two federal health care leaders with awards for outstanding service to the health care field

CMS extends ground ambulance, home health moratoria

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today extended for another six months it

AHA announces chair-elect designate

The AHA Board of Trustees has selected as its chair-elect designate Brian Gragnolati, president and CEO of Atlant

Senate debates bill to repeal and replace parts of ACA

The Senate yesterday voted 45-55 to reject the Obamacare Repeal Reconciliation Ac.