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33586 Results Found


Ending the Opioid Epidemic

The burgeoning opioid epidemic takes a devastating toll on patients, their families and their communities.

New resource available to help hospitals improve behavioral health

Improving behavioral health is one of the top priorities for hospitals and the communities they serve.  A new guide

Complex Care Found at Facilities Affiliated with Hospitals and Health Systems

A recent study that claims cancer care is more expensive because hospitals are employing

Fellowship for Creating Clinically Integrated Health-System Based Medical Groups

The American Hospital Association (AHA) and the American Medical Group Association (AMGA) members are invited to apply for a learning fellowship on m

Helping Patients with Surprise Bills

Today’s TIME Magazine story on surprise bills highlights an important issue confronting many patients in the course of their care.

Open Enrollment Now Through January 31

Open enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace has begun and hospitals are geared up to continue the important work of making the enrollment process easy, accessible and widely available.  Now

2016-03-01 0:00:00

AHA in the News AHA in the New
Case Studies

Equity in Care Project

Equity in Care was initiated by Trinity Health in 2009 and has grown to include identifying potential disparities in cardiac care in a patient population stratified by race, ethnicity and primary l
Case Studies

The Franciscan Clinic

The Franciscan Clinic was designed with the idea that all employees who carry the hospital's insurance should have equal access to appropriate care.
Case Studies

Friends Outreach Program

The program's goal is to help participants obtain knowledge about their health care options and to actively engage in making appropriate health care choices.