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33586 Results Found


Striking a Balance with Transparency and Usefulness

A blog post in Health Affairs poses the question: Will Hospitals Help or Hinder a

Missouri's Block of Aetna-Humana Merger is Good for Consumers

The following post is written by Herb B.

The Spirit of Memorial Day

On Memorial Day we remember and honor the noble and brave men and women of our armed forces who gave their lives in the service of our country.

Honoring Quality Care at the State Level

Today, the American Hospital Association announced the Maryland Hospital Association as the recipient of the 2016 Dick Davidson Quality Milestone Award for A

Equity of Care and Diversity are a Priority

The Institute for Diversity in Health Management this week released findings from its biennial

Protect Rural Health

The AHA convened a group of rural hospital leaders in Washington, D.C. to meet with Sens.

Ready for Independence Day

The July 4th holiday will be a long weekend vacation for most Americans, full of patriotic celebrations with family and friends, parades, picnics and fireworks.

Tackling Outdated Regulatory Barriers that Impede Health Care Transformation

A new report released today examines some of the most detrimental legal barriers that hospitals and physicians face whenever they try to work to

CMS Star Rating Methodology Biased, Flawed

Providing consumers with clear, accurate, useful information to aid in making critical health care decisions is a goal we all share.

A Victory for the Future of Health Care

The Department of Justice got it just right when it focused its challenge to Anthem’s acquisition of Cigna and