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H-ISAC: Green Reports

H-ISAC TLP Green Ransomware Data Leak Sites Report - February 22, 2024

A daily ransomware tracker at TLP:GREEN for the purpose of increasing ransomware threat awareness.

TeamSTEPPS in Action: Implementation Stories from Across the Continuum

Recognizing that TeamSTEPPS does not have a one-size-fits-all approach, we invite you to delve into the compelling narratives of three hospitals, each at a different stage in their TeamSTEPPS implementation. Witness the evolution from a pivotal six-month milestone in a specific unit to the integration of TeamSTEPPS tools and principles into the culture of an entire health care system. Each story unfolds with unique perspectives and insights, emphasizing the navigation of challenges and celebration of successes within the dynamic landscape of diverse health care settings. (Webinar presented February 14, 2024)

Cassidy proposes ways to strengthen health data privacy

Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee Ranking Member Bill Cassidy, R-La., Feb. 21 released a report proposing ways to modernize the existing HIPAA framework and protect health and other data not covered by HIPAA.

Leading the Way in Rural MR Imaging

Discover how the MRI container unit helped Weiser solve the transportation, appointment wait time and other challenges its community faced in accessing care — enabling Weiser to increase patient reach and volumes, conserve resources, enhance patient and staff satisfaction, and raise the community’s awareness of the hospital’s commitment to high-quality services and investing in their future. 

AHA podcast: Working with local partners to address community health

Kinneil Coltman, chief community and social impact officer at Advocate Health, discusses the health system’s wide-ranging initiatives to address community needs, including food insecurity, affordable housing and meaningful employment.

Building a Systemic Well-being Program: A 5-Step Blueprint

The AHA’s Physician Alliance and the Collaborative for Healing and Renewal in Medicine have released a five-step blueprint to help health care leaders build a systemic well-being program to prevent health care worker burnout.

CMS finalizes changes to Medicaid DSH calculation

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Feb. 20 finalized proposed changes to how states calculate the hospital-specific cap for Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospitals.

Crosswalk of AHA Health Equity Roadmap with Selected National Health Equity Quality Measures and Standards for Hospitals and Health Systems

AHA members have expressed interest in understanding the degree of alignment between the AHA’s Health Equity Roadmap and CMS's three new quality measures, as well as the alignment among regulatory policies. The crosswalk identifies how each framework aligns with eight overarching key practices that are linked to advancing health equity in hospitals.

Senators Release 340B Discussion Draft & RFI

On Feb. 2, a bipartisan group of six senators released a draft bill called the Supporting Underserved and Strengthening Transparency, Accountability, and Integrity Now and for the Future (SUSTAIN) 340B Act.
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