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2662 Results Found


House approves legislation to address opioid epidemic

The House of Representatives today voted 407-5 to approve the conference report for the Compreh

Report updates physician shortage projections for Wisconsin

Wisconsin faces a potential shortage of between 883 and 3,756 physicians by 2035 due to changes in physician demographics and an aging patient population, according to a

AHA voices support for bill providing relief from 25% Rule

The AHA last week expressed support for The Sustaining Healthcare Integrity and Fair Treatment Act (H.R.

CDC investigating Seoul virus outbreak associated with pet rats

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is investigating a Seoul virus outbreak in pet rats and people exposed to rats at breeding facilities in Wisconsin and Illinois, the agency said in a

Reining in drug costs

When Cleveland Clinic launched an initiative to control drug costs, Jeff Rosner, senior director of pharmacy contracting and purchasing, was skeptical.

Coronavirus Update: New Information on Elective Surgery, PPE Conservation and Additional COVID-19 Issues

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as other organi

Perspective: AHA and nurse leaders are working together to advance health in America

AONL is leading the nursing leadership field forward, and the AHA will keep working to support them so that, together, we can advance health in America.
Case Studies

Signature Healthcare - Youth Athletic First Responder Program

What is it?The Youth Athletic First Responder Program addresses the issues of why sports tragedies occur, inherent dangers, and injury prevention.

Join the AHA, IFD in celebrating National Minority Health Month

How much progress is your hospital making toward ensuring equitable care for all persons in every community served?

Senate leaders unveil draft health care bill

The AHA Thursday called on the Senate to “go back to the drawing board” on its newly released