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CMS issues guidance to help states make interim Medicaid payments to providers impacted by Change Healthcare attack

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services March 15 announced flexibilities to help states initiate interim Medicaid payments to health care providers impacted by the Change Healthcare cyberattack.

AHA shares ERISA recommendations with House committee

Responding March 15 to a House Committee on Education and the Workforce request for comments on ways to strengthen the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, AHA called for greater oversight of ERISA-regulated insurers to prevent inappropriate care denials, payment delays and self-dealing by vertically integrated insurers.

AHA podcast: Integrating age-friendly care in the emergency department 

A specialist in geriatrics at Sharp Grossmont Hospital in La Mesa, Calif., shares how the Age-Friendly Health Systems initiative and geriatric accreditation for its emergency department helped it improve care for older patients.

More medical school seniors, graduates matched to residency slots

The National Resident Matching Program March 15 matched 38,941 medical school seniors and graduates to U.S. residency positions, 3.3% more than last year.

MedPAC releases March report to Congress

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission March 15 released its March report to Congress, which includes its recent recommendations for hospital and other Medicare payment systems for fiscal year 2025.

AHA blog: Washington Post editorial on site-neutral deeply flawed and poorly-timed

A March 14 editorial in the Washington Post calling for Congress to enact so-called site-neutral policies is “deeply flawed and incredibly out of touch with the realities hospitals and health systems are experiencing right now,” AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack wrote March 15 in a blog post.

As Many Hospitals Continue to Face Significant Financial Challenges, MedPAC Recommends Highest Ever Medicare Payment Update

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) today released its annual March Report advising Congress on the Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) payment systems. In it, the commission recommended its highest ever Medicare payment update for hospitals and health systems, recognizing the dire financial environment they continue to operate in. Specifically, MedPAC recommended that for fiscal year (FY) 2025, Congress update the Medicare base payment rate for hospitals by current law plus 1.5%.

Shannon Wu


Hospitals and Health Systems Affirming the AHA Patient Billing Guidelines

This is a map of the hospitals and health systems who have affirmed the American Hospital Association's voluntary Patient Billing Guidelines, which outline how hospitals and health systems best serve their patients and communities, and underscore their commitment to ensuring that conversations about financial obligations do not impede care, while recognizing that determinations around financial assistance require mutual sharing of information by providers and patients.